
Showing posts from March, 2023

Business Planning for Poets

  If you wander not lonely but content   in vacant thought and pensive mood a faded rose is a Summer spent. Drift in Mercia’s Kank or Sutton woods Hear vales seep their ancient tales Bluebell choirs ring for Winter’s broods A sprightly breeze will light a fire-dust sky Meander down Anker, Tame or Trent A rippled trout will play you one last fly. If you are a word entrepreneur Oak and earth drip rust and gold Vertical thoughts form echo chambers Troubadours roaming in metaphordown Anker, Tame or Tren, Drift in   Wrap blue-sky words in mist Spring enlightenment from bottom lines Poems shared are rare commodities Trade in an economy of words Cut the chaff for sentiment's core. Become a poetry fan-tasist   a crouching bear in cultural commerce   find peak performance of written verse.  
Six months already? ! What I’ve been up to…Jan-Mar 2023 Welcome back! It  has been a little while since the last update mainly due to a flurry of writing activities and a myriad of planning meetings to open up more opportunities for poets across the county to be involved in festivals and events over the coming year. But more on that later…be prepared, this is a mammoth blog! January Writing Hour, The Poetry Habit and grila-poet-ry The year started for me with a personal commitment to the ‘January Writing Hour’ hosted by the excellent fonts of poetry knowledge and prompts  Clar e S haw and Kim Moore .  The act of writing for at least 1hr every morning in January responding to some brilliant and enlightening prompts (optional) alongside almost 200 other poets, in a silent but very together online community,  was addictive and empowering and I recognised some familiar faces also head down and focussed on getting the most from the month.  I followed this experience up with  Sophie Howarth